The Body Keeps the Score

The body is the most magnificent organism that has so many mechanisms in place to keep us safe and alive. One of those mechanism is our primal response to stress, otherwise known as the “fight of flight” response which was put in place by the reptilian brain. When we experience danger, like being chased by a tiger, our brain sends signals to our body to elevate cortisol, adrenaline and blood pressure, to tense muscles, clench the jaw, and to RUN!

The good news is that these days we are rarely chased by tigers, but the bad news is that our body doesn’t know this and is unable to decipher our modern day stress vs. being chased by a wild animal. This is amplified if trauma has been a part of our experience. When a circuit fires, it can become a default setting and causes a response to repeat over and over again unless there is an intervention.

Practices such as yoga, deep breathing and meditation are tools we can use to release us from that fight or flight response and to self regulate in the face of stress and triggers. When you listen to your breath and the sensations within your body, you sensitize your awareness and become more receptive to the messages your body sends you. As you become more in tune with those sensations, you realize that you have a built in inner guidance system that is always there to lead and support you.

Self regulation depends on having a friendly relationship with your body. Without it, you have to rely on external regulation. Remember, all of the answers you are seeking are within.


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