Can Yoga Help Detox After A Cycle of Fertility Hormones?

There are so many buzz words in the wellness industry such as “detox,” “cleanse,” and “toxins” and each niche manages to insinuate that you are somehow polluted by default. So is it true? Can yoga help detox after a cycle of fertility hormones? Here’s the truth…ahem…science behind these claims:

Unless your body has a problem with its kidneys or liver, it knows exactly what it needs to do to eliminate harmful and/or unwanted substances from your body. What it really comes down to is efficiency. How efficient is your body at allowing this process to occur?

Restorative yoga can help by turning on the parasympathetic or “feed and breed” portion of your nervous system (PNS). When your body is in a chronic state of stress (hello fertility journey!) the body’s responsibility is to respond to that stress. Your brain has a primal instinct to keep you alive and safe. When your body senses stress, it identify’s it as danger, and your body will respond to what it identifies as danger before it will tend to other matters in the body, such as reproduction. Restorative yoga takes relatively simple yoga postures, supports them with props and holds them for a longer period of time. This turns on the PNS and sends a signal to your brain that you are safe and all is well. As your body transitions from “fight of flight,” its natural ability to filter out substances more efficiently is strengthened, which enables you to get back to feeling like yourself in a shorter period of time after a cycle of fertility treatments.


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