

Downdog to Handstand: Understanding the Arms as the Pillars to Your Spine

January 22nd, 2-4 pm

Pure Yoga NYC

Let’s face it, Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), a staple posture in many Vinyasana classes, is a challenging pose! This workshop will break down the component parts of Downdog and give you a solid foundation to build upon to launch into Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana). Learn how to build strength, and elongate your spine without gripping in your neck and shoulders or collapsing in your core.

This workshop is perfect for the the newby student who learned yoga online during the pandemic and the more experienced student who is looking to refine their skill and awareness. Come ready to work hard and remain curious and playful as we use our body to explore the deeper dimensions of Self.


Unlock the Gateway to Your Heart: Foundational Tools for Spacious Backbends

January 29th, 2-4 pm

Pure Yoga NYC

A spacious backbend has the illusion of an effortlessly liquid spine. But for many, backbends are painful and postures that are avoided. This workshop will teach you the building blocks of how to create pain free postures that will help to up level your backbending practice. Learn how to liberate your spine from Cobra (Bhujangasana) to Full Wheel (Urdhva Dhanurasana) in a manner that is filled with patience, joy, delight and ease.

Come ready to work hard and remain curious and playful as we use subtlety and nuance as the key to unlock mindfulness and the deeper dimensions of Self.


Fertility Yoga Workshop: Tools for Lightness & Ease While Trying to Conceive

February 19th, 2-4 pm

Pure Yoga NYC

The fertility journey is often wrought with chronic stress and isolation. Physicians often instruct their patients not to exercise while going through fertility treatments due to ovarian torsion, with little guidance on how to alleviate the stress and side effects of treatment. And many yoga instructors are not versed on the contraindications students need to take into consideration while going through treatment. Furthermore, many women do not share their experience of infertility due to shame and failed fertility cycles.

This workshop is designed for those who are going through fertility treatments or who have had difficulty getting pregnant. Learn to safely down regulate your nervous using yoga postures designed to promote blood flow and nutrients to the reproductive organs, while simultaneously using breathwork and meditation to reduce anxiety, in a community of women with shared experience.